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Sactosalpinx is a gynecological disease characterized at hand the aggregation of runny in the lumen of the fallopian tube, paramount to a violation of its patency. It is most of all diagnosed in patients below 30 years of duration and continually acts as a call of infertility. Thus, according to statistics, sactosalpinx is initiate in 7-28% of women who cannot get pregnant. The pathology barely always occurs as a dilemma of another gynecological malady, at the start of an transmissible and rabid nature.

Causes of sactosalpinx
Accumulation of serous runny in the fallopian tubes occurs in the company of obstacles that restrain its reasonable outflow. These may incorporate:

Adhesions caused through lingering swelling (salpingitis, salpingo-oophoritis), sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, и так далее), as well as ample to invasive diagnostic manipulations and surgical interventions on the genitals.
Endometriosis. Endometriotic growths stumbling-block the lumen of the fallopian tube and genesis increased development of mucous secretions. Along with this, from stretch to tempo, rejected tissues and blood may inscribe the lumen of the fallopian tube.
Toxic neoplasms of the fallopian tube or uterus. The escape into the uterine cavity may be blocked right to the advancement of the neoplasm. In some cases, the tumor organize is aggravated at hand increased moulding of tubal secretions.
Factors that increase the distinct possibility of developing sactosalpinx encompass:

casual erotic contacts, uncritical sex person;
spurn of hindrance contraceptives;
miserable true labor.
Symptoms. sactosalpinx
The clinical carbon copy of sactosalpinx depends on the characteristics of the pathological process. The acute set up of the contagion is almost never diagnosed. Its feature signs are illustrious association temperature and smarting syndrome. The temperature can rise to diverse levels, depending on the genre of the exudate:

with a serous inflammatory process, subfebrile numbers are observed (no more than 38 degrees);
with serous-purulent infection - in the sphere from 38 to 39 degrees;
with a purulent inflammatory approach -39 degrees and more.
Cramp in sharp sactosalpinx occurs in the groin область and is characterized as pulsating. The general condition of the woman suffers, the sedulous notes malaise, increased fatigue, puniness, lightning-fast heartbeat, increased sweating. The inflexibility of clinical symptoms depends on the station of intensity of the inflammation.

Long-lived sactosalpinx regularly occurs without any symptoms. Over, the however hint that allows the same to suppose the speed of the contagion is female infertility. With a meritorious pile of fluid contents, a woman may note soreness in the lower abdomen, a view of heaviness and distension. In cases where the increase of the illness is associated with an adhesive method, the tenacious may note long-standing pelvic headache, which intensifies with hypothermia, on the move concrete vim and earthy intercourse. When the inflammatory process spreads to ovarian pack, a violating of the menstrual cycle may be observed.

Treatment methods as sactosalpinx
The prime of treatment tactics is purposeful in each case one at a time and depends on the clinical occasion of sactosalpinx, the precipitate that provoked the expansion of the pathological process, the structure and size of the cystic formation, the compliant's time and the truancy or manifestation of reproductive plans.

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